

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


MONITORING OF AUDITORY BRAINSTEM RESPONSE (ABR) DURING MICROVASCULAR DECOMPRESSION (MVD) : RESULTS IN 400 Cases Toshiyuki Kakizawa 1 , Tsuneo Shimizu 1 , Takanori Fukushima 2 1Kanto Neurosuogical Hospital 2Mitsui Memorial Hospital Keyword: hemifacial spasm , trigeminal neuralgia , microvascular decompression , audltory brainstem response monitoring , auditory impairment pp.991-998
Published Date 1990/10/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406900115
  • Abstract
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In recent years, microvascular decompression (MVD) has been well established as a definitive surgical procedure in the management of hemifa-cial spasm (HFS) and trigeminal neuralgia (TN). With careful microsurgical technique, MVD can be performed accurately without significant morbi-dity. However, some incidence of postoperative hearing disturbance has been reported as one the annoying complications.

In order to avoid complications of the 8th nerve, we have been using intraoperative monitoring of auditory brainstem response (ABR) for the past 5 years. This report presents the results of ABR monitoring in our personal series of 400 MVD cases.

Our clinical results consist of 225 HFS and 175 TN, who underwent recording of ABR before, during and after MVD, including audiometry be-fore and after the operation. There are 107 males and 293 females with the age raging between 22 and 79, averaging 55 years old.

Under routine general endotracheal anesthesia,the patient was placed in a lateral position and a small retromastoid opening was made. Pieces of teflon tape and fibrin glue was used to transpose, reposition and fixate the offending vessels.

We used CADWELL 5200 and recorded ABR with needle electrode and clic sound averaging 1500 times. ABR recordings were performed on admission, at the beginning of the operation, dur-ing nerve decompression and wound closure and at the time of discharge. The interpeak latency of waves I -V and the wave V amplitude during nerve decompression or wound closure were com-pared with those on admission.

ABR changes are classified into 3 categories : Type A indicates the delay of interpeak I -V latency to be within 10% of the preoperative con-trol, Type B designates the latency delay longer than 10%, and Type C means the disappearance of wave V. Of 129 cases with ABR changes oftype A, 17 cases had temporary hearing decrease. Of 227 cases with ABR changes of type B, 62 cases showed hearing disturbance (temporary 59, permanent 3). Type C changes were noted in 44 cases, in whom 11 had hearing impairment (tem-porary 9, permanent 2).

There were 13 unusual cases in whom the offen-ding arteries interposed between the proximal 7th and the 8th cranial nerves. In such instances 8 patients had postoperative auditory impairment including 3 deafness.

Based upon these data, it was concluded that utilization of ABR monitoring is very useful and that delay of I-V interpeak latency longer than 10% or disappearance of wave V might be con-sidered as the warning sign for postoperative auditory impairment in MVD surgery.

Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


