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抄録 幼若ラットのキンドリング発展の特徴と幼若時にキンドリングされたラットの成熟時再キンドリングの特徴を検討するために,実験I; Wistar系雄性ラット3週齢10匹(3週齢群)と10週齢10匹(10週齢群)を比較し,実験II; 3週齢にキンドリングし,成熟後に再キンドリングしたラット9匹(K群)と3週齢に電極植え込みだけを行い,成熟後にキンドリングしたラット10匹(non-K群)を比較した。発作段階はRacineの分類に準じた。結果は,1)3週齢群は,部分発作に相当するC0-2段階で10週齢群より有意に短い刺激回数と後放電(AD)持続時間を呈したが,全般性けいれんに相当するC3-4段階で10週齢群との間に差異はなかった。2) K群はnon-K群より有意に短い刺激同数とAD持続時間でキンドリングされた。これは,K群のC0-2段階に要する刺激回数とAD持続時闇が有意に短かかったことによる。結論として,3週齢群は辺縁系の興奮性が高い。3週齢に獲得されたけいれん性は辺縁系の強い興奮性として成熟後も保持される。
To understand the epileptic phenomenon in the immature brain and to investigate whethere or not the epileptogenesis aquired in young age is retained after maturation, we carried out the amygdaloid kindling preparation (AM-K) on rat.
Ten 3-week-old Wistar rats (3-week-old group) and ten 10-week-old rats (10-week-old group) werestimulated every 2 hours during 09:00-17:00, from five days after operation (Experiment 1). Nine kindled weanling rats (K-group) and ten weanling rats with no stimulation only elctrodes implantation (non-K-group) were rekindled upon maturization (Experiment II). Stages of AM-K were classified according to the criteria of Racine. The results obtained were as follows;
1) The 3-week-old group needed significantly fewer stimulations and a shorter AD-durations during early stages (C0-2) of amygdaloid kindling, in comparison with the 10-week-old group. How-ever, there was no significant difference between the two groups as to stimulations and AD-dura-tion during later stages (C3-4) of the kindling.
2) The K-group were rekindled significantly fewer stimulations and a shorter AD-durations than non-K group during early stages. On the other hand, there was not significant difference between the two groups as to stimuration and AD-duration during later stages of the kindling.
From the results, the following conclusions were made ; The seizure susceptibility of weanling rat's limbic system is high and the epileptogenesis in the limbic system can be maintained even up to adulthood.

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