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ANALYSIS OF TUMOR SPECIFIC IMMUNOLOGICAL RESPONSE IN THE PATIENTS WITH MALIGNANT BRAIN TUMORS BY THE MIXED LIMPHOCYTE TUMOR CELL REACTION Sieichi Yoshida 1 , Nobuyuki Takai 1 , Khoji Ono 1 , Takafumi Saito 1 , Ryuichi Tanaka 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University pp.1067-1073
Published Date 1988/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406206208
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In considering immunological approaches to treat-ment of the patients with malignant brain tumors, it seems very important to enhance the tumor specific immunity. Then, to ascertain whether tumor specific immune response occurs in these patients with malignant brain tumors, lymphocyte blastogenetic responses to tumor cells were exa-mined in 18 patients with malignant brain tumors. Furthermore, to compare the systemic immuno-logical responses with the local responses in the brain tumor tissues, both peripheral blood lympho-cyte (PBL) and tumor infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) were used as blastogenetic stimulators to the tumor cells. The PBL from the patients with malignant gliomas showed any postitive blastoge-netic response to their own glioma cells in 7 or 12 cases (about 58%). But, TIL from these patients showed a positive response in the only 3 cases (25%). In 6 cases of metastatic brain tumors, otherwise, their PBL showed any positive blasto-genetic response to their own tumor cells in 4 of 6 cases (about 67%), and their TIL showed any positive blastogenetic responses in these same 4 cases. So, the tumor specific immunological re-sponses may be stronger in the patient with meta-static brain tumors than in the patient with malig-nant gliomas. These immunological responses were, furthermore, more weak in the brain tumor tissues than in the systemic immunity. Then, this lympho-cyte blastogenetic response to tumor cells were compared with other lymphocyte stimulating exami-nation such as rectine or allogenetic lymphocyte stimulation. Our studies revealed that this lym-phocyte blastogenetic response to tumor cells were at lower level compared with rectine such as PHA, PWM, and Con A, or allogenetic lymphocyte stimu-lation. Furthermore, the effects of lymphokinessuch as IL-2, IFN-γ, and OK-432 on this mixed lymphocyte-tumor cell culture response were studied consecutively. As a result, these response were enhanced when these cells were exposed to IFN-r (5000 U). Other lymphokines had no effect on this responses. This methods seemed to be useful to know the tumor specific immune response in these patients. Though these phenomena may indicate an immunological recognition of the tumor cells, it is still unknown whether specific immunological defence reactions occur against the resplastic cells. These our experiences showed that measurementsof the mixed lymphocyte-tumor reaction might be useful in the detection of tumor specific immu-nological response in the patients with malignant brain tumors. In these patients, tumor specific immunological responses were weak especially in the brain tumor tissues. Some treatments may be effective on increasing this response because IFN-y could enhance this response. So, in future, it may be important to increase tumor specific re-sponse by any effective lymphokines.

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


