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抄録 我々は外頸動脈より分枝するpersistent primitive first cervical intersegmental arteryと思われる異常血管を介して灌流される脳底動脈が閉塞し,脳幹梗塞を起こした極めて稀な症例を経験したので報告する。症例は58歳,男性。構音障害,左片麻痺を訴えて当科入院す。入院時神経学的には軽い意識障害,両側側方注視障害,上肢に強い左片麻痺が認められた。入院時CTでは右小脳半球に低吸収域があり,右椎骨動脈写で右椎骨動脈は無形成で,その代り右外頸動脈より分岐し椎骨動脈の3rd segmentに吻合するpersistent primitive first cervical intersegmental artery (proatlantal arteryII)を介して脳底動脈が灌流されていた。その脳底動脈は左AICAを分枝した所で閉塞していた。左椎骨動脈写では,左椎骨動脈はPICA terminationであった。左頸動脈写では, PcomAを介して内頸動脈より両側SCAが逆行性に造影されていた。入院後,左片麻痺の増強および一過性の呼吸不全のため気管切開を行ない,第34病日に神経脱落症状を残したまま,リハビリテーションの目的で退院した。
A rare case of persistent primitive first cervical intersegmental artery (proatlantal artery II) is reported. A 58-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with dysarthria and left hemiparesis. On admission he was stuporous with bilateral gaze palsy and left hemiparesis.
CT scan on admission showed low density areas in the right cerebellar hemisphere and ventricular part of the pons. Right retrograde brachiography revealed occlusion of the basillar artery, aplasia of the right vertebral artery and an abnormal vessel connecting the right external carotid artery and the right vertebral artery. This anastomotic vessel was thought to be a persistent primitive first cervical intersegmental artery (Proatlantal artery II). Left carotid angiography revealed the left posterior cerebral artery was visualized through the posterior communicating artery, leading from the internal carotid artery. Left retrograde bra-chial angiography showed that the left vertebral artery terminated just distal from the branching of the left posterior inferior cerebellar artery.
After admission the left hemiparesis deteriorated gradually and tracheotomy was done due to respira-tory difficulties. The patient was then transferred to the rehabilitation center on his 34th day in hospital with neurological deficits.

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