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抄録 胎生期の幼若細胞におけるintermediate-sized filamentsの検索は中枢神経系細胞の発生,分化を知るうえで重要な情報を与える。今回,我々はrat embryoにおけるvimentin, GFAP, NFPの出現時期および分布,局在の検索を行ないrat embryoのglia系細胞, neuron系細胞の発生,分化に関する検討を行なった。妊娠齢9日より20日までの妊娠ratより各妊娠齢のrat embryoを採取した。rat embryoは100%ethanolにて固定し,パラフィン切片を作成した。 vimentinはABC法に,GFAP, NFPはPAP法に従い染色した。day 9 rat embryo:neural plateを構成する幼若細胞の胞体およびその線維はvimentin陽性を示した。day 13 rat embryo:midbrainのmarginal layerにNFP陽性の幼若細胞およびその突起を認めた。これらは,同時にvimentin陽性を示した。day 18 rat embryo:spinal cordのanterior column内の繊維はGFAP陽性を示した。結論,1) neural Plateを構成する幼若細胞はvimentin陽性を示した,2) NFP陽性細胞はday 13より出現し,同時にvimentin陽性を示した,3) GFAP陽性細胞はday 18より出現した,4) vimentinはglia系, neuron系細胞のimmatuarityのマーカーとして重要であると考えられる。
The identification of intermediate filaments within immature cells is valuable as a means to investigate neuronal and glial differentiation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the time ofappearance of neuron and glia within rat embryo by identifying cell-specific intermediate filaments. Pregnant rat were daily sacrified from day 9-20 of pregnancy. Rat embryos were fixed with 100 % ethanol and then we have made the paraffin section. We have stained the specimens for vimentin in accordance with ABC method and for GFAP in accordance with PAP method. We have performed Bodian stain.
The neural plate of day 9 rat embryo is com-posed with vimentin positive immature cells which are disposed with pseudostratified arrangement. In midbrain of day 13 rat embryo, immature cells and their fibers are vimentin positive which arespanning from ventricular surface to marginal layer. NFP is detectable in immature cells and fibers of marginal layer. But GFAP postitive cells and fibers are not identified in the same region. In anterior column of day 18 rat embryo, GFAP postitive fibers are detectable.
Summarizing of these results, we can display first : immature cells composing of neural plate are vimentin positive at day 9, second : NFP positive fibers and cells appear at day 13, third : NFP positive cells are vimentin positive, too, forth : GFAP positive fibers appear at day 18 and they are vimentin positive, too.

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