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抄録 蝶形骨縁髄膜腫に慢性硬膜下血腫を発症した1例と脳出血,急性硬膜下血腫で初発した悪性星細胞腫の1例とを報告し,硬膜下血腫形成機序につき文献的考察を加えた。悪性神経膠腫が頭蓋内出血を来すことは比較的多いが,硬膜下血腫を来すことは極めて稀である。一方,髄膜腫が出血を起こすことは稀であるが,硬膜下血腫形成の頻度は高かった。ささいな外傷による,あるいは非外傷性の脳の捻転に起因する架橋静脈,あるいは腫瘍内の異常血管の断裂により硬膜下血腫が形成されるものと考えられた。
A case of sphenoidal ridge meningioma compli-cating chronic subdural hematoma and a case of malignant astrocytoma producing not only intra-cerebral hematoma but also acute subdural hema-toma were reported, and the mechanism of sub-dural hematoma formation was discussed according to the literature. Malignant glioma often pro-duces intracranial hemorrhage, but scarcely pro-duces subdural hematoma. On the other hand, meningioma scarcely produces intracranial hema-tomas, but among of them subdural hematoma is not unusual. The reason for it is probably due to the difference of the place where each tumor grows originally. Rupture of the bridging veins or the intratumoral abnormal vessels due to twisting of the brain from trivial head trauma or without trauma might produce subdural hematoma.
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