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抄録 失語症の予後に影響を及ぼす要因を検討する目的で,発症後5ヵ月以内に訓練を開始し,訓練開始直前と開始3ヵ月後に標準失語症検査(SLTA)を施行した右利き脳血管障害性失語症患者76例を対象に,2回のSLTA検査成績から臨床的印象に合致するよう改善率をもとめ,これと失語タイプ,年齢,教育年数,発症から訓練までの期間,初回検査成績の各要因との相関を調べてみた。①失語タイプ:改善率は伝導失語で最も高く,健忘失語,ウェルニッケ失語,ブローカ失語と続き,全失語ではきわめて低かった。また,プローカ失語では構音失行の有無,ウェルニッケ失語ではジャルゴンの有無が改善率に大きな影響を与えていた。②年齢(改善率は若年者で有意に高かった。この傾向はブローカ失語では認められずウェルニッケ失語で著明であった。③教育年数:改善率は教育年数の長いもので有意に高く,特に健忘失語で著明であった。④発症から訓練までの期間:改善率はこの期間の短いもので有意に高かった。⑤初回検査成績:改善率との間にきわめて高い正の相関を認め,特にこの傾向はウェルニッケ失語,ブローカ失語に著しかった。
In order to elucidate the factors which have an influence on the prognosis of aphasia, a correla-tion was studied in 76 right-handed aphasic patients between recovery rates and various factors: i. e. aphasia type, age, educational level, time between onset of aphasia and institution of therapy and initial severity. Initial evaluations on Standard Language Test of Aphasia (SLTA) were obtained within 5 months after the cerebrovascular accident and reevaluations were obtained 3 months after the initial evaluation. Recovery rates were deter-mined by comparing scores of these 2 tests in order to coincide with clinical impression.
The results obtained were as follows:
1) Aphasia type: The highest recovery rates were seen in conduction aphasics, followed by amnestic, Wernicke, and Broca aphasics. Global aphasics had significantly lower recovery rates. It was suggested that anarthria in Broca's aphasia and jargon in Wernicke's aphasia had a significant ratarding effect on recovery rates.
2) Age: Age and recovery rates showed a sig-nificant negative correlation: younger patients recovered better, and this trend was remarkable in Wernicke aphasics but not Broca aphasics.
3) Education: Patients with more education tended to improve more, and this trend was most remarkable in amnestic aphasics.
4) Time between onset of aphasia and institution of therapy: Time elapsed from onset and recovery rates showed a significant negative correlation; recovery rates decreased as the time interval from onset increased.
5) Initial severity: Correlation between the initial severity of aphasia, measured by the initial SLTA scores and recovery rates was very high; severily affected aphasics recovered to a lesser extent than mildly affected ones and this trend was remarkable in Wernicke and Broca aphasics.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.