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DEVELOPMENTAL CHANGES OF SPEECH LATERALIZATION IN CHILDREN:STUDIES BY THE DICHOTIC LISTENING TEST Hiroichi Tasaki 1 , Shunzo Watanabe 1 , Kei Hojo 1 , Tokijiro Sato 1 1Department of Neuropsychiatry, Hirosaki University School of Medicine pp.379-384
Published Date 1983/4/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205107
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Dichotic listening test was investigated in 240 children (120 boys and 120 girls), aged 3 to 15 years old. The subjects were all right handed, normal children. Spoken digits were presented to the subjects in such a way that different digits arrived simultaneously at the two ears (Broadbent, 1954). A group of digits consisted of three pairs of digits. The total number of digits presented was 120, making a total possible score of 60 for each ear. Subjects were instructed to listen with both ears and to report orally (at age 3 to 6) or writing (at age 7 to 15).

The difference between scores for the two ears was evaluated with t-test. The each age group tested, digits arriving at the right ear were more efficiently recognized than at the left ear. The right ear superiority was significant over seven years old. There was a significant correlation between age and mean total scores. The relation was expressed by a regression curve representing a quadratic function, written as Y=-0.29X2+ 8.4X-10.8 (X=age in year, Y=mean total score, 3≦X≦15, R=0.78, P<0.01), and the peak of the curve was at X=14.5.

Digit stimuli are more correctly identified from the right ear than from the left ear. This results obtained by us suggest that the left hemisphere is to some extent specialized for speech perceptionas early as age of 3, and the function of speech perception completes by age of 14 to 15. Such a finding is consistent with recent evidence indica-ting that both anatomical and functional cerebral asymmetry appear to be present from birth.

There was no significant difference in mean total scores at the both ears between both sexes,although age 3 to 6 girls showed higher scores than boys. It is suggested that boys lag behind girls in the development of speech perception. This is simply a slower development rather than a permanent difference.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


