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A CASE OF JAW OPENING PHENOMENON ASSOCIATED WITH BASILAR ARTERY THROMBOSIS Katsunori Nishi 1 , Masanori Nagaoka 1 , Yukihiro Sugita 1 , Takeo Suzuki 1 , Ruriko Kaise 1 , Takeshi Sato 1 , Hirotaro Narabayashi 1 1Department of Neurology, Juntendo University School of Medicine pp.127-132
Published Date 1985/2/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205453
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We describe a 74 year old man who showed the jaw opening phenomenon by painful stimuli from two months after the onset of basilar artery throm-bosis. He was admitted to our hospital because of consciousness disturbance and paralysis of all extremities. Soon after admission, he was in a state of impending herniation but with conservative therapy he recovered slightly, and then fell into an akinetic and mute state.

Two months after the onset of the stroke, he began to open his mouth in response to painful stimuli, and five months after the stroke palatal myo-clonus also appeared. Neurological signs and symp-toms five months after admission were as follows: he was akinetic, mute and always kept his eyes closed because of complete blepharoptosis due to oculomotor nerve palsy. Pupils were dilated and adducted. Bilateral light reflexes were absent and the oculocepharic reflex could not adduct the eyes inwardly. Bilateral corneal reflexes were present, facial reflexes were exaggerated and jaw reflexes were also active. All limbs were spastic and paraly-zed, and no voluntary movement was observed. Deep tendon reflexes were active in all extremi-ties, and bilateral plantar responses were exten-sor. Palatal myoclonus was recognized in his soft palate, lips, sternocleidomastoid and diaphragm. Its frequncy was about 150 cycles per minute. CT scan revealed severe low density areas in the midbrain and bilateral posterior lobes. In cerebral angiography, the upper part of the basilar artery was completely occluded. No significant response was obtained either by sensory evoked response or by auditory brainstem evoked response. Latency of the first components of the blink reflex was bilaterally normal.

These results suggest that the most severely affected region was above the midbrain level, and function of the lower brain stem below the mid-pons seemed relatively well preserved.

In this patient jaw opening could be elicited from any part of the body by painful stimulation, and no other kind of stimuli could provoke this phenomenon. With painful stimuli, only tonic jaw opening with slight protrusion of tongue was observed and sometimes slight extensor response of the upper limbs was associated with it, but no other response such as grimacing or crying was seen. With electrical stimulation of first branch of trigeminal nerve and median nerve, more than supramaximal stimulation was required to provoke maximal M wave response to trigger this pheno-menon, and this suggested that the nerve fibers mediating this response were very small in dia-meter. This strange phenomenon has not been described previously, and we assumed that thismight be a kind of pathogical reflex under a chro-nically decerebrated state at the level of the mid-brain. The state of this patient resembled that of chronic cerveau isole in experimental animals, andresemblance to the jaw opening reflex, which was first reported by Sherrington, is discussed.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


