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PYRIMIDINE NUCLEOSIDE PHOSPHORYLASE ACTIVITIES IN BRAIN TUMORS AND ANTITUMOR EFFECT OF 5´-DFUR Soichiro Shibui 1 , Takashi Watanabe 2 , Yoshimasa Miki 2 , Kazuhiro Nomura 2 , Masanori Miwa 3 1Department of Neurosurgery, University of Tokyo Hospital 2Department of Neurosurgery, National Cancer Center Hospital 3Department of Microbiology and Chemotherapy, Nippon Roche Research Center pp.1017-1022
Published Date 1983/10/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205204
  • Abstract
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Activities of pyrimidine nucleoside phospho-rylase in brain tumors were measured and their relationship to a clinical course of the patients was investigated.

Pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase is said to exist more quantatively in malignant tumors such as Sarcoma 180, Ehrlich ascites carcinoma, Walker 256, and hepatoma, and very little in normal tis-sues.

In brain tumors the activities were measured by bioassay and compared to that of Sarcoma 180. When the activity of Sarcoma 180 was expressed to be 100%, those of brain tumors were as fol-lows : ten cases of normal brain less than 8.5 ; six cases of glioblastoma 39.3±30.7 ; five cases of astrocytoma 22. 0±13.8 ; five cases of meningioma 22.4±13.7; two cases of oligodendroglioma 8.1 and 11. 3 ; two cases of sarcoma 94. 3 and 145.4 ; chordoma 48. 0 ; ependymoblastoma 3. 7 ; plexus papilloma 22.5 ; parotid cancer 43.4 ; ten cases of metastatic brain tumors from lung cancer 61.5ア 41. 6 ; two cases from breast cancer 28.0 and 68.8 ; that from thyroid cancer 10. 0 ; that from gastric cancer 13.5 ; malignant melanoma 77.2.

In 12 cases of gliomas (glioblastoma, astrocy-toma, oligodendroglioma) the mean activity was highest in glioblastoma (39. 3), followed by astro-cytoma (22. 0) and oligodendroglioma (9. 7). The postoperative survival time became shorter in gli-omas with the higher activities.

In metastatic brain tumors from lung, breast, and gastric cancer, the average time from the diagnosis of primary cancer to brain metastasis was shorter in cases with high activities and longer in cases with low activities.

5'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine (5'-DFUR) is a newlysynthesized masked compound of 5 FU, which is converted to 5 FU with the existence of pyrimi-dine nucleoside phosphorylase. Because the acti-vity of the enzyme is high in malignant brain tumors and low in normal tissues including brain, 5'-DFUR is expected to be one of the effective antitumor drugs for the treatment of malignant brain tumors.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


