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膠様質(substantia gelatinosa)は,魚類以上の脊椎動物にみられ,細胞構築学的分類では,三叉神経脊髄路核(nucleus tractus spinalis n. trigemini)の膠様質は,閂(obex)より尾側の三叉神経脊髄路核尾側亜核(nucleus tractus spinalis n. trigemini caudalis)表層より第2番目の層をさしている。この膠様質は脊髄後角の膠様質の吻側への延長であることは,神経解剖学的研究により周知のことである。
1965年MelzackとWall18)が痛みの感覚の一つの座を脊髄膠様質に求め,Gate control theoryを提唱して以来,膠様質が痛み成立機序に深く関わりを有するのではなかろうかという論議が交わされている。この機構は脊髄膠様質のみならず三叉神経脊髄路核尾側亜核にも適用され,今日,あらゆる種類のアプローチにより,神経生物学的にかなり興味ある情報が提供されつつある。
The substantia gelationsa has been noted as a region of central pain control. In 1979, we reported that an intense thiamine monophosphatase (TMPase) activity was specifically localized on the plasma membrane of the synaptic glomeruli, especially dense sinusoid axon terminals (DSA).
In the present investigation, the ultracyto-chemical localization of TMPase activity was studied in the spinal trigeminal nucleus of the adult rat. Vibratome sections of aldehyde-fixed specimens were incubated in the incubation medium (veronal-acetate buffer, pH 5.8, 27mM, thiamine monopho-sphoric acid chloride 2mM, lead nitrate 2.7mM, sucrose 146mM, final pH 5.4) for 30min at 37℃, and processed for light as well as electron microscopy.
At the light microscopic level, the reaction products, lead sulfide, were observed to be localized in the substantia gelatinosa of the caudal medulla oblongata in the spinal trigeminal nucleus. At the electron microscopic level, the TMPase activity was positive on the plasma membrane of DSA in the region where is particularly concerned with the relay of thermal and noxious stimuli. It has been suggested by us previously that there may be some relationship between the TMPase activity and pain mechanism in the spinal cord, and the results that the situation seems to be hold true in the spinal trigeminal nucleus, also.
Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.