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Epileptogenic foci were made on the pericruciatecortex in cats by penicillin application. Steadypotential (SP) shifts associated with ECoG parox-ysms and activities of the cortical units at the siteof the original focus were then compared with thosein the contralateral homologous region (mirrorfocus).
1) Soon after the isolated paroxysms were notedat the original focus, the projected discharges wererecognized at the mirror focus. The projected dis-charges showed a maximum amplitude in the ex-actly homologous region and there observed triflingnegative SP shifts only in the superficial corticallayers.
2) In the mirror focus, a substantially smallernumber of units were activated, whose greaterparts were detected at the superficial cortical layers,and their firing patterns seldom consisted of syn-chronous high frequency bursts of spikes.
3) Commonly, when the paroxysms of spike-after-discharges appeared in the original focus, only spikedischarges were projected to the mirror focus.
4) In rare occasions, there existed the paroxysmsof spike-after-discharges or typical tonic-clonic sus-tained paroxysms in the mirror focus, where theSP shifts and the neuronal activities were similarto those in the original focus.
5) These results suggested that the isolated ECoGparoxysms observed in the mirror focus representedkinds of the superficial electrical phenomena acti-vated transcallosally, since neuronal aggregatelocated in the deep cortical layers were scarcelyactivated in these situations.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.