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Previous studies on blood platelet have provided information about the biological pathogenesis of manic-depressive illness and the mode of action of Lithium (Li) ; because blood platelets are binding with 5-hydroxytryptamine which changes may oc-cure manic-depressive illness. A shortcoming of the studies on blood platelets has been, however, that the effects of Li were related only to the ex-tracellular concentration of Li rather than to the amount of Li in platelets. The present studies were carried out to compare the Li content in blood platelets with the Li concentration in serum, red blood cells (RBC) and brain regions in rats.
In acute studies, the time couse of changes in the Li content in blood platelets resembled the changes in the serum Li concentration more than the changes in the Li concentration in RBC and whole brain 1, 4, and 24 hr after a subcutaneous in-jection of isotonic LiCI (4.0 mEq/kg) solution. The highest levels of Li in platelets and serum occured at 1 hr, while the highest levels of Li in RBC and whole brain occurred at 4 hr and 24 hr, respectively.
In chronic studies, the Li content in blood plate-lets, serum, RBC, forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain in rats given either LiCl in their food (20 or 40 mEq/kg dry weight) for at least one week or an isotonic LiCl solution (1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 mEq/kg rat weight) twice a day by stomach load for at least 3 days were compared. The coefficient of correla-tion between the Li content in blood platelets and serum, RBC or brain regions ranged from 0.81 to 0.86 and were significantly lower than the coeffi-cient of correlation between the Li concentration in serum, RBC and brain regions which rangied from 0.88 to 0.98. The levels of Li in blood platelets was significantly more variable than the Li levels measured in the other samples in con-formity with a comparision of each variability (S. D./mean ratio). The cause of the relatively high variability of the platelets Li content is uncertain. It may have been due to amalytical errors. How-ever, different transport mechanism for Li in bloodplatelets should be considered, so studies to characterize the kinetics of Li transport in blood platelets are need.
The present findings suggest, nevertheless, that the concentration of Li in the serum may fail to porvide a reliable estimate of the amount of Li inblood platelets.
Futher studies may relate the levels of Li in platlets to effects of Li on affective disorders or on mechanism of side effects.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.