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リチウム(Liと略記す)イオンのindoleamine (IAと略記す)に与える影響については多くの報告がなされているが,その結果は必ずしも一定していない。すなわちLiは脳5—hydroxytryptamine (5 HTと略記す)濃度や5—hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5 HIAA と略記す)濃度を増加するとの報告もある一方,Liにより5HTや5HIAA濃度が減少するとの相反する結果もあり,さらにLiにより脳5HT代謝は影響を受けないとの報告もある,
After the serious lithium (Li)-intoxication had been maintained by the chronic administration of Li carbonate to dogs, the regional distribution of Li and the changes of regional 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA) levels were examined.
Li was administered for 39-77 days (average 52days) and 38-140 days (ay. 110 days) for the study of Li distribution and indoleamine study, re-spectively. In the former, dogs died 10-48 days (ay. 26 days) after the onset of serious Li-intoxi-cation. In the latter, all dogs were necropsied after 25-110 days (ay. 60 days) of serious intoxication. Li doses, at the time of brain autopsy, were 50-110 mg/kg/day (ay. 80 mg/kg/day) and 110-140 mg/ kg/day (ay. 117 mg/kg/day), respectively.
1. Li was distributed unevenly in the brain. The amygdala, thalamus and hippocampus obtained the highest; the inner capsule, diencephalon, midbrain, cerebral gray matter, cerebral white matter, medulla and pons showed intermediate, whereas the other regions such as cerebellum and spinal cord demonstrated the lowest concentration of Li. There were considerable variations in Li-tolerance according to individual dogs.
2. 5HT levels were decreased significantly in the medulla (to 55% of the control), cerebral gray matter (to 63%) and white matter (to 75%), and 5HIAA levels were decreased significantly in the pons (to 17%), lenticular nucleus (to 42%), cere-bellum (to 42%) and inner capsule (to 63%).
3. No correlations were seen between the Li ion concentration and the extent of the regional 5HT and 5HIAA decrease.
These results suggest that 5HT and 5HIAA levels decrease during the prolonged Li-intoxication and the extent of their decrease does not depened on the Li concentration but on the biological specificity of the brain regions.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.