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A 29-year-old male was admitted with complaints of myalgia, jaundice, abdominal distension, gait disturbances and dyspnea. Physical examination on admission revealed anisocoria, flaccid quadri-paresis, loss of deep tendon reflexes in all extremities and sphincter disturbances.
No pathological reflexes were elicited. He showed a glove and stocking type sensory impairment extending to the elbow and the knee,and vibration and position senses were severely impaired.
In laboratory data lumbar puncture showed the albuminocytological dissociation. Electromyo-graphic studies showed fibrillation potentials in anterior tibial muscle and decreased recruitment pattern in all extremity muscles tested. Motor conduction velocity in median nerve was 46.7 m/sec, which was slightly decreased. No responses were obtained with electrical stimulation of peroneal and sural nerves.
Jaundice, pulmonary edema and paralytic ileus subsided within 15 days after the onset, but hyper-tension persisted for three months. Sensorimotor disturbances were at maximum 5 days after ad-mission. Weakness and superficial sensation in the extremities started to improve gradually about 20 days after admission. Ten months after admission he has noted considerable improvement in all symptoms except for sensory impairments.
Loss of the deep sensations in all extremities did not show any improvement, and he showed spinal ataxia with pseudoathetosis. He hasexperienced the recurrent episodes of fulgurant pains of lower extremities since last ten months. The phincter disturbances persisted over a year.
The combined histological studies of sural nerve and short peroneal muscle were performed to reveal the grade of the involvement of peripheral nerve. The densities of both myelinated and unmyelinated fibers of the sural nerve were markedly decreased. No findings to indicate the regeneration of nerve fibers were found. The group of small angulatedmuscle fibers and target fibers were frequently seen in short peroneal muscle preparations. Marked decrease was consistent with remarkable sensory disturbances and spinal ataxia in lower extremities.
Such a case of radiculoneuropathy with jaudice, pulmonary edema, hypertension and paralytic ileus has not been reported in the literatures as far as we know.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.