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1969年に,benzodiazepine系薬物であるclonazepam(Ro 5-4023,F.Hoffman-La Roche)に強力な抗けいん作用のあることが確かめられ12,13),1972年には抗てかん剤としての臨床効果に関するシンポジウムがもたれた36)。その後,本剤の抗てんかん作川に関する多くの知見が諸外国で報告され,総説的展望3,41)もなされるに及んで,抗てんかん剤としての本剤の位置もほぼ固まつたかに思われる。
1) The effect of clonazepam (Ro 5-4023) on various types of seizure was studied in 91 patients (male 41, female 50). Mcst patients were under 20 years of age, 19 on average, and had been suffer-ing from epilepsy since childhood, with the mean duration of disease of 9.6 years. Most of them continuously received other antiepileptic drugs during being treated with clonazepam. Clonazepam was administered doses of 0.25 to 6mg per day (0.004-0.21 mg/kg/day).
2) A finally judged 50-percent-cr-more reduction in seizure frequency was obtained in 70.9% of tonic-clonic convulsicn, 63.6% of focal cortical convulsion, 58.3% cf absence, 50.0% of psycho-motor epilepsy, and 33.3% of tonic spasms. An increase in seizure frequency cr appcarance of new types of convulsion was observed in three cases during the clonazepam administration.
3) The effect of clonazepam on the 50% or more seizure reduction was observed in 77.4% of cases at maximum.
4) The seizure frequency tended to decrease usually within one week after clonazepam admini-stration. In 20.3%, however, the sign of diminu-tion of the efficacy as an increase in the frequency was observed after one to three months, sometimes as early as one week.
5) Through the clonazepam administration, the paroxysmal EEG abnormality seemed to disappear in 19.2%, decrease in 14.1%, remain unchanged in 62.8% and increase in 3.8%.
6) Side effects were observed in 37.4%0. The most common one was drowsiness (30.8%), followed by lethargy, somnolence and appetite changes, but no dangerous side effects were noted. There was no definite relation between the occurrence of side effects and the dose of clonazepam.
7) The utility of clonazepam was evalualed from various viewpoints. Clonazepam was useful in about 50% of patients, especially, effective in cases of seizures with basic diseases.
Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.