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METASTATIC BREAST CARCINOMA IN THE PITUITARY GLAND Shizuo Oi 1,2 , Ivan Ciric 2,4 , Theodore K. Mayer 3,4 1Department of Neurological Surgery, Kobe University, School of Medicine 2Division of Neurological Surgery, Northwestern University 3Department of Pathology, Northwestern University 4Evanston hospital pp.69-73
Published Date 1978/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204187
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Metastatic carcinoma was found in 9 pituitary glands (24%) of 37 patients undergoing trans-sphenoidal hypophysectomy for diffuselly metastatic breast carcinoma. In all cases the preoperative neurological examination was negative, as were neuroradiological studies, including skull X-ray, tomograms of the sella turcica, brain scan, and angiography. Diabetes insipidus, however, was seen more frequently in patients with pituitary metastasis preoperatively (3 of 9) and postoperatively (8 of 9). Four of the nine patients with pituitary metastasis developed severe diabetes insipidus, which continued more than one month, while similar severe disease was seen in three of twenty-seven cases with no pathological evidence of pituitary metastasis.

The prognosis in patients with pituitary metastasis was poor, with seven of the nine dying with an average survival of eighteen months. Pathological studies disclosed metastatic lesions in the anterior lobe (78%), posterior lobe (44%), and stalk (11%).

The study emphasized that pituitary metastases, usually considered to be rare, occurred in 24% of patients with diffusely metastatic breast carcinoma. Such metastases correlate with the development of severe diabetes insipidus and with poor prognosis.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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