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Several techniques for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)cytomorphology have been used, including centri-fuge-smear method, sedimentation method, filtrationmethod and others.
The centrifuge-smear method often results insevere distortion of cells and it requires a largevolume of CSF as a great number of cells maybe lost. The sedimentation method recently de-veloped has some benefits for identification of cellsin CSF, but requires a large volume of CSF as inthe centrifuge-smear method.
The membrane filter (the product of Milliporecompany) has been widely used to collect cells forCSF cytomorphology because the loss of cells isavoided in this method. It was revealed that thismethod using only 1.0ml of CSF enabled to collect40 to 80 per cent of the number of the cellsestimated in the counting chamber of Fuchs-Rosenthal. This fact shows that the examinationfor CSF cytomorphology is available with a littlevolume of CSF.
In the filtration method, some stains do not worksatisfactorily. The hematoxylin or the hematoxylin-eosin stain has been used in this method but thesestains have a disadvantage to identify the cells inCSF cytomorphology because of poorly stainedcytoplasm. The modified Gomori's trichrome staincould be satisfactorily applied to the filtrationmethod and adequately showed the morphologicfeatures of cells. The most suitable pH of Gomori'ssolution was 12.
The cytological diagnosis of cryptococcal menin-gitis may be difficult because of the frequent falsenegative data in an Indian ink preparation or ina culture for Cryptococcus neoformans. It was re-ported that the filtration method was available forthe diagnosis. In our experience, even by thismethod, it was difficult to identify cryptococciwhen the CSF contained insufficient number oforganisms. We could easily find even a feworganisms in the whole microscopic field by theAlcian blue stain or PAS stain because they werestrongly stained.
It is concluded that the filtration method isavailable for CSF cytomorphology and the diagnosisof cryptococcal menigitis if the suitable stains areselected for each case and the technique can beaccomplished quickly at the bed side, using onlya little volume of CSF.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.