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CLINICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY ON THE ORBICULARIS OCULI REFLEX OF THE BRAIN STEM LESIONS Tomokazu Goya 1 , Mamoru Yoshida 1 , Yasuhiko Matsukado 1 , Hiroyuki Shimizu 2 , Tatsuhiko Kano 2 1Department of Neurosurgery Kumamoto University Medical School 2Department of Anesthesiology Kumamoto University Medical School pp.173-183
Published Date 1976/2/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406203844
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Orbicularis oculi reflex is consisted of two compo-nents; one is early reflex response (R1) which is14.1±2.2 msec in latency, and the other is latereflex response (R2) that is 35.0±8.6 msec in latency(mean±2SD). Ri is observed on the ipsilateral sideof stimulation and R2 is visible bilaterally on ipsi-and contralateral sides of stimulation. Clinicallyorbicularis oculi reflex can be recorded easily,however, its clinical and physiological significancehas not been clearly solved. Orbicularis oculi reflexwas tested on patients with the brain stem lesionsof various kinds, and the factors influencing to thereflex pathways were examined, such as the siteand the type of lesions, sleep, several anestheticsand the level of consciousness. Results obtainedwere as follows; 1) both R1 and R2 disappeared orprolonged in latencies by nuclear as well as periphe-ral facial nerve palsy, since the facial nerve wasthe final common pathway. 2) on cases of facialsensory disturbance Ri prolonged in latency withconcomitant delay of R2 response. 3) both Ri andwere attenuated as soon as the a rhythmicity ofthe EEG was disappeared. Administration ofthiamylal also attenuated both the R1 and R2,however, ketamine (a dissociative anesthetic) en-hanced the R1 in amplitude and suppressed R2.These findings indicated that the R1 and R2 werein some extent regulated from brain stem reticularformation and the orbicularis oculi reflex should bean useful diagnostic measure to detect impairedconsciousness. 4) also the reflex should be used toknow the extent of neoplastic process in the cerebel-lar hemisphere to the brain stem. 5) recovery curveof Ri from double shock stimuli (conditioned andtest) indicated that this reflex was different fromH wave of the spinal cord because of absent re-fractory period and shorter facilitatory period rang-ing between 40 to 60 msec.

Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


