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このように視床は特殊,非特殊投射系の中継核をなす場所であり,その障害は種々の複雑な臨床症状を呈する。この論文は両投射系に及ぼす障害が視床病変の程度により,体性感覚誘発反応Somatosensory Evoked Re—sponses (以下SERと略す),の面からも異なったパターンを呈するのではないかと推定しその検索を目的とした。われわれは最近5例の視床部腫瘍について,経過を追ってSERを記録する機会があり,興味ある所見が得られたので報告し若干の考察を述べる。
Somatosensory Evoked Responses (SER) to electri-cal stimulation of the contralateral median nerve were studied in five patients with thalamic tumor. Each patient underwent thorough neurological ex-amination, including serial angiography and air study.
Before the recording of SER surgical intervention for reducing increased intracranial pressure was made, if indicated, and recording was repeated dur-ing hospitalizations.
According to precise evaluation of symptoms and findings, the location of the tumor was analized and predominant involvement of thalamic nuclei was determined, which was later confirmed by autopsy.
The purpose of present paper was concerned mainly to the physiological significance of recorded pattern by the thalamic tumor and relation between suppressed late components (longer than 80-100 msec in latency) and involvement of non-specific group of the thalamic nuclei.
The results obtained were as follows :
1) Lesion in the specific thalamic nuclei and diffuse thalamic disturbance presented the similar pattern of SER. That was the early components and late components were both suppressed.
2) Late components were more suppressed on the disturbance of the non-specific thalamic nuclei.
3) Concerning physiological meaning of the late components of SER, the possibility was brought up that it was formed not only by the impulses from specific projection system but also diffuse projecting impulses ascending from the non-specific thalamic nuclei to the cortex and passing through the specific thalamic nuclei took part in denoting the late com-ponents.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.