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The ultrasonic Doppler technique is advantage-ous as compared with other technique for themeasurement of cerebral circulation in man. Thehemodynamic changes of cerebral circulation withvarious circulatory agents can be detected instantane-ously and noninvasively by this technique. Inaddition, it is possible to measure blood flow in-dividually in each vessel, i. e., internal, externaland common carotid arteries and internal and exter-nal jugular veins.
The present author has devised an on-line methodof measurement of blood flow by which multipleand simultaneous measurement of blood flow changeis possible, and pressure-velocity hysteresis (impe-dance) measurement by which the change of vascu-lar resistance and blood flow is measurable.
The principle and method (off-line, on-line andimpedance techniques) as well as the clinical appli-cation of the techniques are presented with theadministration of aminophylline and papaverine.
Further, the types of recordings of the Dopplerbeat and the directional Doppler flowmeter arediscussed.

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