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A case of Benedikt syndrome accompanied withbilateral MLF syndromes, 56 year male, caused byvascular accident was treated successfully by stereo-taxic sub-Vimtomy.
He was attacked by onset of right hemiparesis,right sensory disturbance and speech disturbancefollowed by diplopia on March 15, 1972. Twelvemonths later, intentional and postural tremor ofright extremies were added, and aggravated grad-ually. As the neurological symptoms on his ad-mission, August 15, 1974, involuntary movement ofthe right extremities, tongue, pharynx and larynx,opsoclonus of bilateral eye balls, anisocoria (right>left), bilateral MLF syndromes, right sided hemip-aresis and hemihypesthesia, cerebellar sign andspeech disturbance were noted.
The charcter of tremor was coarse, violent, 3.5to 4.5 Hz, postural and intentional type which wasprominent at right upper extremity. The clonicinvoluntary movement of the tongue, pharynx andlarynx, and opsoclonus of bilateral eye balls wasnoted spontaneously in awake state.
A stereotaxic left sided suv-Vim thalamotomywas performed on September 12, 1974. Tremor ofright extremities was almost completely alleviated,and clonic involuntary movement of tongue,pharynx, larynx and opsoclonus of bilateral eyeballs were improved remarkably. While the otherneurological symptomes were not improved. Hebecame to walk by himself and is now in rehabilita-tion.
It was very interesting that the rubral tremormight be alleviated by a stereotaxic interruptionto the cerebello-rubrothalamic fiber connection.Additionally sixteen cases of Benedikt and Claudesyndrome in Japanese reference involving this casewere discussed in this paper.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.