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One case of idiopathic parkinsonism, which showeda specific distribution of Lewy bodies, was examined.In this case, many intracytoplasmic inclusions werefound in the cerebral cortex in addition to theLewy bodies in the brain stem nuclei. Ultramicro-scopically, we compared these inclusions with theLewy bodies in the substantia nigra. Structurally,they had a similarity to the laminated and uniformstructures of Lewy bodies.
As for the laminated intracytoplasmic inclusionsin the cerebral cortex, the central core consisted offibrils of 50 to 100 Angstrom in width and granulesof 50 to 100 Angstrom in diameter. The fibrilsshowed linear profiles and vesicular profiles of 300to 600 Angstrom in diameter. The periphery ofthe core appeared coarser than the central zone.The outer zone was composed of fibrils 50 to 100Angstrom in width and granules of 70 to 150Angstrom in diameter. Several granules formedgroups and showed clustered or moniliform profiles.Their structure was almost similar to that of theLewy bodies in the substantia nigra, but was differ-ent in the following respects : The vesicles in thecore were fewer and coarser, and the fibrils in theouter zone showed no obviously radiary appearance.
The uniform type in the cortex and the substantianigra consisted of fibrils and clustering granules.In addition to these elements many degeneratingcell organelles were scattered there. In the cortex,many intermediate types were observed, too.
Histochemically, the inclusions in the cortexshowed the same staining properties as Lewy bodies.
According to the above mentioned findings weconsidered these inclusions to be immature Lewybodies.

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