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Gibbs3)によつて創始されたheat clearance法による局所組織血流測定法は,ある時間的一断面における血流最を定量的に測定する放射牲物質を使用する方法と異り,経時的に組織の循環動態をとらえ得る優れた動態計測の一手段であり,脳血流量測定にも応用されている。また脳循環改善剤の評価の面からも,この経時的な脳血流測定法は有用である。
A divice was made to record the change of cere-bral blood flow in subcortical structure. A double needle type thermocouple probe was used to measure the difference in temparature between the heated and unheated junction. The principle of heat clearance method was based on the facts that the temparature of a constantly heated point in a per-fused homogenous tissue was dependent on the conduction of heat through the tissue, on the con-vection of heat by the blood flow and on the heat production of the tissue.
A model experiment using liquid paraffin in a rubber tube was performed to determine the relation between the out flow rate of paraffin and the thermoelectromotive force increment. A good cor-relation was found and this correlation was not influenced by the alteration of the liquid tempara-ture at 37℃ and 42℃. Possible problems in using heat clearance method such as the heat conduction from the heated junction to the unheated junction through the tissue, the relation between the heated junction and the direction of blood stream at the placement of a probe into the tissue, the determina-tion of the zero point of blood flow and the in-fluence of metabolic heat production were able to be solved in measuring of regional cerebral blood flow.
An effect of Flunarizine which was a Cinnarizine derivative and a potent vasodilator of peripheral vessels on cerebral circulation was studied. The intravenous administration of Flunarizine in a dose of 1 mg per kg of body weight proved a marked increase in subcortical cerebral blood flow of the dogs. This effect was in excess of two times longer lasting than that of Papaverine hydrochloride. On the dose response study, the optimum dosage of Flunarizine to cerebral blood flow was 0.75 mg per kg in the dogs.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.