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HISTOCHEMICAL STUDY ON THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM IN THE INTESTINAL TRACT OF HIRSCHSPRUNG'S DISEASE Takeshi Morimoto 1 1First Department of Surgery Faculty, of Medicine, Kyushu University pp.325-329
Published Date 1974/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406203516
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The intestinal tract of Hirschsprung's disease wasclassified into three portions: the narrow segment,the middle segment and the dilated segment, andthe intramural autonomic nerve system in each seg-ment was studied by means of histochemical methodand silver staining.

Cathecholamine (CA) histochemistry was appiedfor the detection of adrenergic nerve, and acetyl-choline esterase (AChE) staining was carried outfor the detection of acetylcholine reactive nerve.

The dilated segment showed the same findingsas the normal intestine, that is, CA fluorescentnerves and AChE reactive nerves were observedin networks or in basket-like shapes surroundingthe intramural ganglion cells which mainfestedAChE activity.

In the middle segment, AChE reactive intramuralganglion cells, CA fluorescent nerves and AChEreactive intramural nerve plexus were observed inlesser density and number than in the dilated seg-ment.

In the narrow segment, these intramural ganglioncells and nerve plexus were completely absent, butlarge nerve bundles of AChE activity were scat-tered in the interspace between the circular andthe longitudinal muscle layers where the intramuralnerve plexus was lacking.

However, in submucosa, muscularis, subserosaand the arterial wall of the dilated segment, themiddle segment, and the narrow segment, the CAfluorescent and AChE reactive nerves were observedundergoing almost Silver staining method also con-firmed the above-mentioned findings.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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