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脳血管撮影上、脳腫瘍やA-V malformationの他に炎症,外傷、脳血管障害などに局所脳静脈の早期出現、すなわちearly venous fillingの観察されることは、良く知られている1)〜4)8)10)。特に閉塞性脳血管障害例においては、しばしば観察され、診断の一所見になり得るとさえ言われている1)〜3)10)。しかし脳内出血例においてcapillary blushを伴つたearly venous fillingの認められた報告例はなく、われわれの施設において1972年5月までに経験した脳出血症例137例中、唯一例を見るのみであり,経時的脳血管撮影によりcapillary blushとearly venous fillingの消長を追跡しえたので、若干の文献的考察を加わえて報告する。
Capillary blush and early venous filling were often observed angiographically in the patients with cerebrovascular disorders. However, thers does not appear to be any report of capillary blush in the hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage. Early filling veins with capillary blush in a case with the hemorrhage was herein reported. The patient, 58-year-old man, was admitted to our clinic two hours after the sudden onset of slight headache, nausea and right hemiparesis. The left carotid angiogram abtained soon after admission revealed an avascular mass lesion in the basal ganglionic region and the early filling of the basal vein. On the second hospital day, capillary blush around the lenticulostriate arteries and early filling of the deep veins and middle cerebral veins were demonstrated in follow-up angiogram. He was treated conservatively and these venous filling abnormalities were no more seen on the 11th and 39th hospital day. It is of interest to observe capillary blush and early filling veins in the in-tracerebral hemorrage as well as in the cerebral infarction.

Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.