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Spinal hemangioblastomaは選択的spinal angiogra—phyで造影が困難であるとされていたが,今回,我々は,第12胸椎付近に存在するspinal hemangioblastomaの造影に成功したので,臨床経過に,若干の考案を加えて報告する。
A case report of the spinal hemangioblastoma visualized by the selective spinal angiography.
The patient, 18 year-old man, had multiple he-mangioblastomas in the posterior fossa on the firstadmission.
Two of these tumors were removed by operation, the other two tumors were treated by BAR. therapy.
After discharge, he was free of complaints and in satisfactory conditions.
11 months later, he readmitted to our hospital complaining of urinary disturbance.
All of the cerebellar tumors were diminished angiographycally, on this admission, but selectiveangiography revealed spinal hemangioblastoma at the level of about Th12.
By using operative microscope, total removal of the tumor was successfully accomplished without any neurological deficit.
After the second discharge he has enjoyed use-ful life and been free of complaints.

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