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Reports of electron microscope studies with tissue culture materials are increasing in the field of neurological science. Most of them reveal electron micrographs of the central areas of tissue culture colonies and of the vertical sections dimensionally. Howcver, our knowledge of tissue culture with phase microscope and with regular light microscope arc that of peripheral and mainly monolayer area of colony in horizontal view in dimension. We tryed to section the monolayer area in the plane-parallel dimension. After a lot of fault, we have succeeded to make this difficult technique a routine work in the laboratory.
Main points of the technique are 1) the dimen-sionally scheduled embedding of material into plastic embedding media, 2) approximately ten degrees of heeling in the facing angle between the embedded material surface and a knife edge, and 3) using of diamond knife for ultra-thin sectionings.
Dimensional observation under electron micro-scope of both vertical and horizontal sections of sissue culture colonies disclosed a clear cut mor-phology by areas, dividedly three of the central, the intermediate and the peripheral areas in the colonies. The central area is composed of necro-biotic debris. The intermediate area reveals re-markable increasing of inclusion bodies, which are seen as granules under phase microscope, or dense bodies under light microscope. The peripheral area can be said to be composed of newly prolif era ted cells in vitro and almost no inclusion bodies was seen in the early stage of tissue culture.

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