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振戦のみが家族的に発現する家族性振戦症は1836年Mostによりはじめた報告され, Dana2)(1887)により詳細に記載された。本邦における報告は,他の遺伝性神経疾患にくらべて,きわめて少ない8)9)11)12)14)。
A case of hereditary tremor, 21 year-old male,is reported. Of great interest was the fact thatthe portions that the tremor was seen moved oneside to other by the postural change. In the stand-ing posture, the tremor was seen in the right upperand lower extremities and trunk, while the leftextremities were intact. On the other hand, in therecumbent position, the tremor was seen in theleft lower extremity, while the tremor in the rightside disappeared.
After use of chlorpromazine, amobarbital, diphen-ylhydantoin etc. for about 3 months, the both-sidedVim-thalamotomy was performed at intervals ofone year. The tremor was almost completelyalleviated without observable side-effect.

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