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The presence of ventricular rupture is generally associated with a poor prognosis in hypertensive intracerebral hemorreage. A retrospective study of 14 cases with supratentorial lesion was under-taken in order to find a reliable angiographic sign of ventricular rupture. In all of theses case the size and location of the hematoma were determined by postmortem examination.
1. In putaminal hemorrhage anterior cerebral artery showed unrolling appearance but only slight displacement in the A-P view when ventricular rupture occurred. Five of 6 cases had contralateral shift of less than 5 mm of this artery the extent of contralateral displacement of internal cerebral vein was larger than that of anterior cerebralartery. Four of 6 cases had more thatt 6 mm dis-placement of this vein resulting dissociation of these two vessels. This dissociation was, however, not observed in cases without ventricular rupture.
2. Extent of shift of internal cerebral vein was well correlated with the size of hematoma. In two cases of massive putaminal hemorrhage involving the thalamus, the shift of anterior portion of inter-nal cerebral vein was more than 10 mm.
3. In 4 cases of thalamic hemorrhage which has ventricular rupture, no appearant shift of anterior cerebral artery in A-P view was seen and mid-portion of internal cerebral vein was displaced accrossed midline more than 6 mm in 3 cases.

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