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Choroidplexus papilloma is a rare brain tumor. This case is a typical plexus papilloma of 14 years old boy originated from the right ventricle and destroied the right hippocampus. Metastatic lesion was found in hypothalamus which was destroied completely.
About the end of 9 years old bulimia and obesity appeared, thereafter hyperthermia, psychic dister-bances, hypogonadism, somnolence, anorexia, visualdisturbances and disturbances of sphincteric control appered successively, and satisfied 10 symptoms out of 13 which Bauer showed as hypothalamic-linked synptoms. It is not clear that these various symptoms are due to diffuse destruction of hippocampus. It is necessary to summarise and analyse the symptoms accompanied with limbic-system lesions.
In this case plasma cortisol and growth hormone response to hypoglycemia were impaired but the response to SU 4885 was preserved. This suggests the difference of stimulating points between hy-poglycemia and SU 4885 and showed that anterior pituitary hormones are regulated by central nervous system and the response to stimulations are different.That is, hypoglycemia has its effecting point in central nervous system whereas the decrese of plasma cortisol in pituitary gland.
Hypernatremia is due to the lesion of thirst center located in hypothalamus and to the insufficiency of ADH secretion.
By hormone replacement therapy polyuria ap-pered. This is bacause of coexisting anterior pitui-tary and neurohypophyseal insufficiency.
We disscussed about neuroendocrine symptoms with special reference to lesions of limbic systems including hippocampus and the mechanisms of pitui-tary control by central nervous systems.
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