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A 10 year old girl was admitted to our hospital on Mar. 27, 1967, complaining of sudden sensory and motor disturbance in the lower half of her body. No pathological findings could be obtained in plain X-ray films of the spine and chest, but an ascending myelography revealed an epidural spinal tumor at T4. Laminectomies from T4 to T1 were carried out and a gray, soft and ill circumscribed epidural mass, about 5×1×0.5cm in size, was exstirpated. The pathological diagnosis of this specimen was then !nodeas neuroblastoma, which was corrected later to re-ticulosarcoma by re-examination. After the post-operative irradiation therapy, the patient was dis-charged with a good improvement on July 22, 1967. She was readmitted on Sept. 1, 1967, due to the recurrence of spinal symptom. The tumors were then observed in the upper left thorax, left supra-clavicular region and frontal region. Biopsy of the epidural mass in the frontal region was performed during anterior cryocingulumotomy for intractable pain in the left shoulder and upper extremity. Medul-loblastoma was suspected by the pathological exami-nation of this biopsy material. In spite of irradia-tion and administration of cyclophosphamide, the patient expired on Dec. 2, that year.
Postmortem examination revealed upper thoracic tumor mass en bloc, intrathoracic plantation, invasion to the upper thoracic spine and metastases to the skull. The final pathological diagnosis by gross and microscopic findings was malignant thymoma.
This case of malignant thymoma with initial symp-tom of spinal compression and metastases to the skull is believed to be a very rare one.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.