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CLINICAL RESULTS OF THE FOREL-H-TOMY FOR THE TREATMENT OF THE EPILEPSY Dennosuke JINNAI 1 , Heitaro MOGAMI 1 , Kiyoo KAMIKAWA 1 , Jiro MUKAWA 1 , Kikushi KATSURADA 1 , Yoshikuni MOROI 1 , Yoshi-kazu IWATA 1 , Keizo Matsumoto 2 12nd Detp. of Surgery, Osaka Univ. 2Dept. of Neurosurgery, Okayama Univ. pp.871-877
Published Date 1965/9/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406201910
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Nine epileptics, idiopathic or symptomatic were stereotaxically operated on Forel-H-tomy by means of electrical coagulation or liquid nitrogen freezing method. The postoperative follow-up was checked from a month to 13 months in the course.

1. Alleviation of the epileptogenic convulsion was obtained at the stereotaxic surgery of the Forel-H-tomy as well as improvement of the epileptogenic character and behavior, irrespective of focal or general seizure of grand mal- or petit mal-type.

2. Improvement of the abnormal activity in EEG was noted.

3. The inhibitory effect was built up following several weeks of postoperative aggravation under the clinical observation, which corresponded with the course of the EEG improvement.

4. Transient aphasia or aphonia was resulted in some cases of the bilateral Forel-H-tomy. The stereotaxic cordinates of the lesions of these cases were all dorsal to the target point and therefore these side-elects were not due to destruction of the Forel-H field proper.

5. The Forel-H-tomy appears to be bilaterally indicative for the case of abnormal EEG activity in both hemispheres and ipsilaterally for the one of the abnormality in unilateral hemisphere.

Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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    17巻 4号 (1965年4月)
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