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The EEG was examined successively for two years in 56 patients with cabon monoxide poisoning, which broke out in the group owing to coal dust explosion in Miike-Mikawa Mine on November 9, 1963.
1) Between the 19th and the 26th days after poi-soning, the EEG was regarded as abnormal in 89.2 per cent of the cases examined; borderline in 8.9 per cent; and normal in 1.7 per cent. Three main fea-tures were noticed: appearance of slow wave (62.5%); low voltage (76.7%); and frontal dominancy in voltage (30.7%).
2) In regard to correlation between the EEG in the early stage and prognosis for the next two years, severe suquelae developed in the cases that had shown marked low voltage and slowing. The prognosis of cases with flat EEG was especially grave.
3) The cases with symptoms similar to the dece-rebrated state showed flat EEG in the early stage. While cases with dementia, focal signs and neurological symptoms also showed marked low voltage and high amount of slow component in EEG. The severity of intellectual disturbance was parallel to the abnormaltity in EEG in the early stage. The reverse relation was seen between the severity of subjective complaints and the abnormality of EEG.
4) The prognosis of cases with frontal dominancy in voltage was also grave. The cases often continued to show neurological symptoms, focal signs and de-mentia.
5) The prognosis was favorable in cases which recovered amplitude with reduction of slow waves in the lapses of time, while it was unfavorable in those who showed neither increase in amplitude nor decrease in slow waves over a long period of time.

Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.