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外傷,手術,ショックに際して血液中のplasminすなわち線維素溶解酵素の変動が認められる。この血液中のplasminの増加する大きな理由として侵襲により組織中のplasminogen activatorが増加しこれが血液中に流入しそれによりplasminogenがplasminに変化するということ,侵襲により臓器のlysokinaseが血液中に入り血液中のproactivatorがactivatorに変わり,それによつてplasminogenがPlasminに変化するという2つのprocessがAstrupらにいわれている。したがつて外傷,手術,ショックに際し組織中のactivatorにも変化が起こることは当然考えられる。著者らはヒトおよびイヌを使用し健康時脳脊髄液中のplasmin系を検索するとともに,脳外傷時の変動を追求し,また同時に外傷,ショック,低体温麻酔時,イプシロンAMCHA投与時このイヌの大脳皮質中のplasmin系に関する実験を行なつたのでここに報告する。
Plasminogen activator and trypsin inhibitor were studied in C. S. F. of normal individuals and of patients with head trauma. Further the same studies were done in healthy dogs and in dog with experimentally produced brain edema. Plasminogen activator and trypsin inhibitor of subcellular units in dog with experimentally produced brain edema were estimated. plasminogen activator and trypsin inhibitor weve ex-tracted by Astrup and Stage's. They weve estimated by heated fibrin plate method. Result obtained wave as follows.
1) Plasminogen activator was proved in C. S. F. of human and dogs except four fifth of dogs.
2) As compared with the healthy men and dogs. All cases with head trauma showed increased plasmi-nogen activator in C. S. F..
3) Increased plasminogen activator weve observed in brain tissue of dogs with brain edema but trypsin nhibitor did not show any significant changes.
4) Plasmniogen activator of subcellular units in brain tissue were proved in all cases. Microsomal fraction with brain edema showed increased activator.
5) Mitochondrial fraction with brain edema showed increased trypsin inhibitor.
6) Microsomal fraction with brain of haemorrahgia showed increased activator, but cases of trans fusion increased especially in mitochondrial fraction.
7) Plasminogen activator of hypothemia showed increased in microsomal fraction but its activator of rewarm showed increacsed in mitochondrial fraction.
8) Trypsin inhibitor of rewarm showed increased.
9) Plasminogen activator of obtained E, ACA and AMCHA showed increased in mitochondrial fraction. As compared with obtained E, ACA and AMCHA in Normothemia, and in hypothemia didnot show any significant changes.
10) Trypsin inhibitor showed increased especially in cases of obtained AMCHA.

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