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近年頭部外傷患者が激増するとともに,小児が頭部を打つて当科に受診することも多くなつた。その大部分は外傷の急性期を経たあとで,何らかの愁訴を持つて,あるいは外傷後の健康診断を目的として来院している。1963年までに東太脳神経外科を訪れた頭部外傷患者の総数は,外来・入院をあわせて約12600名であるが,そのうち約3600名が14才までの小児である。さらにそのうちの入院患者は362名である。Dietrich, Wheatleyら16)によると,1930年から1947年までの間に,1〜4才の幼児の全死亡率は70%減少しているのに,同期間の同年令の外因死は23%しか減少しておらず,ことに死亡率の高いのは乗物事故による場合であるという。実際当科の経験でも,この年令の頭部外傷の死亡率は5〜9才の場合よりも高く(第8図),小児ことに乳幼児の頭部外傷は重大な課題である。
During th last 15 years, from 1945 to 1963, 362 cases of head injuries in infants and children under the age of 15 years were admitted in the neurosur-gical department of the University of Tokyo Hospi-tal. The following facts were obtained by making a thorough study of these cases.
1) The incidence of patients by ages showed a gradual increase from newborn to 5-year-old and then declined gradually toward older age.
2) The main cause of the accident was:falls in 0-4 year-old, traffic accidents in 5-9 year-old, and falls, traffic accidents and sports in same frequency in 10-14 year-old children.
3) Simple depressed fracture was encountered more frequently in children than in adults; but frag-mented bones scarcely separated into pieces.
4) In cases of the fracture of the base of the skull, the manifestations of head injury were most severe but in general, cases of depressed fracture did not exhibit definite neurological deficit. These facts suggest that the impact of force as a result of injury has diffuse effect on the brain in the former, but almost on diffuse as well as localized effects in the latter in the early stage after head injury.
5) Compared to their body weight, occasionally, a negligible force of energy was sufficient to break the skull of children; on the other hand, a consider-able amount of energy was necessary to bring about any definite neurological manifestations.
6) If a child fortunately managed to overcome early death after trauma, then the patient had a good chance of unexpectedly rapid and uneventful recovery.

Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.