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THE OCCLUSION OF CEREBRAL ARTERY IN CHILDREN Nobuo MORIYASU 1 , Kiminori SATO 1 , Shu NISHIO 1 1The 1st Dept. of Surgery, Nihon Univ. School of Medicine pp.409-414
Published Date 1964/5/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406201639
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The number of reported cases concerned with the occlusion of cerebral artery in children is still scarce. In this paper, four cases of angiographically revealed occlusion of cerebral artery in children are discussed.

1) An 11-year-old boy had a sudden right hemi-plegia after the attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia. Carotid angiography revealed the occlusion of the left internal carotid artery at the end of the siphon.

2) A 6-year-old girl showed left hemiplegia. We have thought that it may be infantile cerebral palsy led by a severe asphyxia at her birth. In this case, arteriography revealed the poor filling of the branches pertaining of the right anterior cerebral artery and non-visualization of the ascending branches of the right middle cerebral artery.

3) A 6-year-old girl with right hemiplegia revealed angiographically a group of under-developed middle cerebral arteries. Diameter of the middle cerebral artery was finer than the other arteries. We have concluded that prenatal or embryonic disturbance of the middle cerebral artery may be the cause of this case.

4) A 7-month-old infant male, affected with cerebral abscesses, was thought angiographically to be the arterial occlusion of a larger branch of the right middle cerebral artery. But on autopsy, no occlusion was found, and there was a larger branch of middle cerebral artery split suddenly into a few fine branches. And thus we recognized that such a sudden splitting of larger arterial branch was difficult to distinguish from real arterial occlusion.

Copyright © 1964, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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