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In the last 15 years, functions of the brain stem reticular system have been greatly elucidated by Magoun and his col—laborators. The system is now widely known to modulate various kinds of neuro—nal activities through its ascending and descending projections. Not only the neo—cortex, but the limbic system comes under its influence. This report concerns the effects of lesions in the rostral brain stem reticular formation upon the pathological functional states of the brain, namely, epileptic seizures and behavior disorders.
As for the participation of the reticular system in epileptic seizures, there are three possibilities. 1) The reticular system may Act as a focus of the seizure. There have been no definite proof of this in our series. 2) The reticular system may be actively in—volved in conduction of seizure discharges. As Dr. Walker impressively showed in his experiments, this is also unlikely in our experience. Here is an example. In this case (Fig. 1), spiking is seen in the left rolandic area (the first trace). The other leads are the upper mesencephalic reticular formation (the second trace), the left putamen (the third trace) and the left lateral ventral nucleus of the thalamus (the fourth trace).
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