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脊髄反射に及ぼすCO2の影響に関しては,ネコについてはMathison2),Porter24),Brooks & Eccles5),Bradley, Schlapp & Spaccarelli3),Kirstein15);犬についてはGlazer10),King, Gar-rey&Bryan14)等の報告があり,高濃度のCO2を吸入させた時の反射活動の変化が論じられている。脊髄反射に対するpHの影響に関しても前記のMathison, Bradley et al.やKoenig&Groat16)等が血中に乳酸などを投与し血液pHを変化させたときに反射活動に現われる変化を追求している。
1. Changes in responses of toad's spinal motoneurons associated with modified conce-ntration of CO2 (5-100% in O2) were studied by means of intracellular potential recording.CO2 was applied introducing the gas mixture into the chamber in which the excised spinal cord was placed.
2. By increasing CO2 concentration ( <ca. 30%), action potentials were increased in si-ze and orthodromically evoked action poten-tials became larger than those evoked anti-dromically.
3. The excitability of motoneuron was lo-wered with the increased action potential size.
4. The reflex activity was enhanced initia-lly, but depressed eventually by increasing CO2 concentration.
5. Within limits, lowering of pH of Rin-ger's solution had similar effects as those of CO2. It was suggested that the effects of CO2 were mainly due to lowering of pH, so far as examined in this report.

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