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胃切除患者のうちに,術後2〜3週間頃から食事中,又は食後一定時間に膨満感,不安感,心悸亢進,脱力感等を訴えるものがあることは,古くから知られており,Gilbert-Dunlop (1947)は,これをdumping syndromeと命名し,Mache-lla (1949)はpostgastrectomy syndromeとして詳細に報告している。我国でも友田,河石,今永等の多くの業績があるが,その発現機序に関しては諸説があり,現在なお総括的に説明することは困難な状態である。
A 45-year-old male. He was undergone a gastrectomy because of his duodenal ulcer in 1953 and was attacked by significant feelin-gs of power reduction, chilliness and ause-rine skin 3 hours after breakfast from 3 mon-ths after operation and he had fainting fits in severe occasion.
On admission to our Clinic, he was diagno-sed as a late syptom of postgastrectomy syndrome, since hypoglycaemia in blood and slow waves in the EEG were recognized. A case report is made with particular reference to literature concerning with a genetic me-chanism of this disease.

Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.