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The patient is a 12-year old boy. His initial symptom was noticed by the convulsive sei-zure, and then his complaints developed in order of the following description: the symp-tom of the increase of intracranial pressure (headache, vomitting etc), the Parinaud's sign of eye ball movement, the disturbances of the consciousness, the syndrome of the pubertas praecox, and the particular rigorous posture.
The autopsy revealed that these symptoms were caused by a giant teratoma in the brain. According to the clinical symptoms and to the findings of autopsy, we suggest that the primary tumor in the third ventricle grow and spread to the pineal region, the hypoth-alamus and the superior region of the mid-brain.
Of all symptoms above mentioned, especia-lly the syndrome of pubertas praecox and the particular rigorous posture are much interested.
1. On the pubertas praecox.
It has been reported that there were three theories about the origin of this syndrome (being due to the lesion of the pituitary gland, of the pineal body or of the region of tuber cinereum).
But our present case teachs that the lesion of tuber cinereum is the most important source of this syndrome.
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