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Georges Malignacがいうように,アルコール中毒はたしかに古くからの問題であるが,今日でも新しい問題として提出されている。
The subjects for our present studies with Temposil numbered 18, all were male, rang-ing in age from 24 to 61 years. Thirteen of them were chronic alcoholism, 2 were psy-chopaths, 2 were manic-depessive psychosis that were in a manic state, and 1 was schizo-phrenic, and Temposil was administered in dose of 50 to 100mg. daily for 14 to 43 days, giving a test dose of alcoholic drink once a week, as a rule.
1) A general picture of the clinical and laboratory results following Temposil is given follows:Blood pressure: The drop of systolic pressure was not so intense as after Antabuse. Pulse: Rise in pulse rate was very prominent increasing to more than 100 beats per minutes in almost all the cases. The electrocardiographic studies did not indi-cate abnormal pathologic features. Electroencephalography: No particular chan-ge was observed electroencephalographically following the test doses. Blood and urinary studies and liver function tests: No singnificant pathologic changes we-re noted.
2) We had no side effects following Tem-posil administration both bodily and mentally so far been encountered.

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