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私達も当然このような薬物療法に深い関心と興味をもつており,すでにChlorpromazine,Reserpineの使用は私達の病院に於て欠くことの出来ない治療法の1つになつている。たまたま第一製薬の好意により新しいTranquilizerとして,Meprobamate (アトラキシン)を試用する機会を与えられた。今回は例数も少いのであるが,取敢えずその使用経験について報告したいと思う。
We had a chance to aply a new tranqui-lizing drug, meprobamate (Atraxin) upon several mental disorders, and observed its effects in 35 cases. Our results are as follows:
1) Moderate effects in 2 cases of schizophr-enics, namely, in one with insomnia and hypochondriacal states and in another with chronic delusional states, but hardly good effects in other 4 cases with emotional blun-ting.
2) Better effects in all 4 epileptics with explosive and irritable states, including petitmal seisure.
3) Good for 4 with anxiety states of 12 depressives.
4) Good for 9 neurotics with headaches, stif-fness in the shoulders and insomnia.
5) Marked effects in one chronic methamp-hetamine (Philopon) addicts with autistic and abulic states, when applied with chlorp-romazine.
6) No effects in organic cases (one involu-tional psychosis and one cerebral arterioscl-erosis), except one tics.
7) As side-effects, gastrointestinal disorders and temporary drawsiness are observed.

Copyright © 1958, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.