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扨て,転移性脳腫瘍の頻度を見ると(第2表),今迄の発表で最も多いのは原発性肺臓癌であり,脳転移性腫瘍中原発性肺臓癌よりのものは,Kras—ting10)20.7%,Eisenhardt11)24.5%,Brunner12)37.8%,Baker 21%となつている。柱外科教室に於ては,7例13)中3例(43%)が原発性肺臓癌であり,又諸家の統計に一致するものである。
それでは肺臓癌からはどの程度に脳へ転移するものであろうかという問題になるが,第3表に示す様に諸家によりまちまちであり,Brunnerは28.2%に脳転移を認め,Olson15)は36.3%12)に,又Eisenhardt11)は35.0%という様に高度の転移率を示している者もあるが,Miller11)の9.5%,Ochsnerの14.6%,Baker13)の12.5%という数字もある。Fried and Buckley9)は37例中15例が脳転移を示し,それが全部脳症状で初発したものと報告しているが,鈴木哲夫の東大病理学教室に於ける発表では,90例中5例との報告であり,我国ではそう多くはないものと云われて来ている。然し柱外科教室に於ては,最近肺臓癌患者の世界的増加の傾向に伴つてか該病に依る入院患者は,昭和2年から昭和25年迄10例,其の後21例計31例という風に著明に増大しているのであり,その中3例10%が脳に転移を示しており,興味深い事にはその例全部が脳症状初発のもので,2例は剖検で初めて原発性肺臓癌なるを確認し得たものであつた。
1) According to some reports of pathologi-sts and neurosurgeons in this country or fore-ign countries, the frequency of revelation of metstatic brain tumor from all brain tumors, of metastase from primary bronchogenic carcino-ma to brain, and especially of metastase from primary bronchogenic carcinoma in metastatic brain tumors was discussed.
In series of 201 cases of brain tumor from 1941 to 1955 in our clinic, 7 cases of metastatic brain tumor were found. 3 cases of them were metastatic from primary bronchogenic carcino-ma. On the other hand, in series of 31 cases of primary bronchogenic carcinoma, we found 3 cases of brain metastase.
2) 3 cases of primary bronchogenic carcino-ma with brain metastase were reported. They came to our hospital with cerebral manifesta-tions, and primary focus in lung was concealed up to their admission or autopsies.
Case 1. 54 years of age, male. Chief complaint: headache, clouding of consciousness. Primary focus in lung: left lower lobe. Metastatic focus in brain: left frontal lobe. Histological appearance: basal celled carci- noma. Life duration from operation: 80 days. Life duration from attack of desease: about 4 months.
Case 2. 34 years of age, female. Chief complaint: severe headache, visual disturbance. Primary focus in lung: left lower lobe. Metastatic focus in brain: left temporal. Histological appearance: adenocarcinoma. Life duration from operation: 104 days. Life duration from attack of desease: about 5 months.
Case 3. 37 years of age, female. Chief complaint: clouding of consciousness, headache and visual disturbance. Primary focus in lung: left lower lobe. Metastatic focus in brain: spread over both sides of frontal lobe. Life duration from operation: 54 days. Life duration from attack of desease: about 7 months.
3) In accordance with our 3 cases, clinical symptoms, results of operation, frequency of revelation of solitary brain metastatic focus, etc were discussed.

Copyright © 1956, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.