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要旨 今回われわれは,発作間欠時脳波にて焦点を同定するに至らなかった二次性全般化を伴った部分てんかん患者に対し,発作時と発作間欠期にSPECTを施行し,three-dimensional stereotaxic ROI template (3D SRT)解析を行った。非発作時SPECTに比して,右側頭葉に部分的な血流増加を認め,臨床症状と照らし合わせても同部位が発作焦点であることが示唆された。脳波でてんかん発作の焦点を同定することが困難な症例において,発作時SPECTおよび3D SRT解析は有用であると考えられた。
A 42-year-old man had complex partial epilepsy and secondary generalized seizure, without remarkable abnormalities in interictal EEG and head MRI. Three-dimensional SRT(3D SRT) analysis of peri-ictal SPECT data detected hyperperfusion in the right temporal lobe, the basal nucleus and the hippocampus, which showed hypoperfusion during interictal period. These findings suggested that the epileptogenic focus existed in the right temporal lobe. We concluded that 3D SRT analysis of peri-ictal SPECT would be helpful to identify the epileptogenic focus.

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