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要旨 症例は38歳男性。頸部整体治療中に突然,右片麻痺,深部感覚障害および左舌下神経麻痺を発症した。脳血管撮影およびMR angiography(MRA)にて左椎骨動脈の狭窄,不整拡張などが認められた。MRI上,延髄左内側部に梗塞巣が確認され,延髄内側梗塞と診断された。従来より,頸部整体術によって脳梗塞が発症したとする報告はあるが,その例数は未だ極めて少ない。特に,延髄内側梗塞を発症した例は,内外文献にても過去わずかに1例のみであった。発症機序としては,頸部整体術による頸部回旋運動で椎骨動脈に過度に伸展,圧排が加わることにより血管内膜損傷を生じ,動脈解離をひき起こすことにより虚血に陥り,延髄梗塞を発症したと考えられた。本症発生を少しでも未然に防ぐには,整体術を受ける前に頭頸部を静かに回旋,過伸展させた状態でいったん経過観察し,何らかの異常を訴える場合には即時中止すべきである。
A-38-year-old man suddenly developed nausea, vomiting and vertigo during chiropractic neck manipulation. This was followed by right hemiplegia, right deep sensory disturbance and left hypoglossal nerve palsy, consistent with the medial medullary infarction(Dejerine syndrome). The MRI revealed infarction at left medial part of the medulla. The vertebral angiogram and MRA showed marked narrowing of the left vertebral artery. X-rays of the cervical spine showed no spondylosis, dislocation nor osteolysis of the odontoid process. The serological studies, including lupus anticoagulant, protein C, and protein S gave normal results.
Although vascular accidents involving the brain stem after chiropractic neck manipulation have been reported since Pratt-Thomas and Berger, previous reports are still rare. In them lateral medullary infarction(Wallenberg syndrome) is probably the most common case. On the other hand, medial medullary syndrome(Dejerine syndrome) is absolutely rare. To our knowledge, the only one report has been made by Watanabe and his colleagues before our present case.
The mechanism was suggested that rotation and tilting of the neck stretches and compresses the vertebral artery at the cervical joint causing injury to the vessel, with an intimal tearing, dissection, and pseudoaneurysm formation.
Consequently, the present case may be caused by injury to the left vertebral artery with an intimal tearing during neck manipulation sufficient to cause dissection and subsequent infarction of the brain stem.

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