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要旨 頸椎硬膜外膿瘍は比較的稀な疾患で,呼吸筋麻痺をきたしやすく予後は不良とされている。今回,急激な症状の進行を認めるも,早急な減圧術により良好な結果を得た頸椎硬膜外膿瘍の1例を報告し,文献的考察を加える。
症例は生来健康な49歳男性。発熱・後頸部痛を主訴に近医受診。徐々に右上肢がしびれるようになり,四肢麻痺症状が急速に進行したため,当科紹介された。血液検査にて炎症反応を認めた(CRP 13.1mg/dl)。MRIにて,C5-6椎間レベルを中心とする頸髄前面に貯留する膿瘍を認めた。頸椎硬膜外膿瘍の診断にて,緊急で前方アプローチによる排膿・洗浄を行い,早急な減圧術を施行した。起因菌(Staphylococcus aureus)を同定後に抗生剤投与を行った。感染は速やかに治癒し,四肢麻痺は劇的に改善した。3週間後に再建術を行い,1カ月後には独歩可能となった。頸椎硬膜外膿瘍に対する早期診断,早急な治療の重要性を強調し,われわれの治療の方針を述べる。
Spinal epidural abscess(SEA) is a rare condition with potentially devastating consequences and more aggressive diseases than previously recognized. We report a case with cervical epidural abscess treated successfully by emergent neural decompression.
A 49-year-old man presented with fever and cervical pain. An magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed an epidural abscess at C5-6. His condition deteriorated with the development of complete sensory loss and tetraparesis. Emergent anterior neural decompression was performed, and pus was aspirated which grew Staphylococcus aureus. Adequate antibiotics were administered, and the patient showed remarkable improvement of neurological signs and symptoms. He underwent reconstruction surgery 3 weeks after the first operation, and returned to his original job 3 months after the operation. Prompt diagnosis and satisfactory surgical decompression are essential to avoid irreversible neurological sequelae in epidural abscess of the cervical spine.
(Received : July 5, 2005)

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