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症 例 死亡時73歳,女性
主 訴 るいそう,歩行障害
現病歴 40歳代より手のふるえがあったが放置していた。5~6年前からやせてきたが仕事は独力でしてきた。2001年になり歩きにくさを訴え,5月頃から外出をしなくなった。6月には立位可能であったが歩行困難出現,その後も家の中でつかまり歩きであった。8月から手足のふるえが増強,食事は摂取しているがやせが徐々に進行した。近医クリニックにて往診,訪問看護で経過をみていた。その後るいそうは進行,意志の発動少なくほぼねたきり状態となったため,原因精査目的で当科外来を受診した。11月21日精査加療目的にて当科入院となった。
全身状態 血圧88/58mmHg,体温35.6℃,脈拍80/整,全身のるいそうを認める。
神経学的所見 意識清明,失見当識があり,長谷川式痴呆スケール8点。視力rt. 20/100,lt. 20/70,瞳孔左右同大,対光反射正常,眼球運動は上方視が3,他は4。顔面の感覚正常,顔面筋の麻痺なし。聴力低下なし。胸鎖乳突筋の萎縮なし,舌の萎縮,偏位なし。歩行は介助で可能であった。筋力低下はなし,筋トーヌスは頸部に筋強剛(2/4)があるが,四肢では正常,ただし手首硬化徴候を両側で認める。左手に姿勢時振戦あり。腱反射正常範囲,左右差なし。病的反射:Babinski徴候陰性,Chaddock徴候陰性。感覚は正常であった。
We report a 73-year-old woman who had depression, dementia, and parkinsonism. She had postural tremor since her fortics. She was losing her weight since age 66 years. She noted difficulty in walk at age 72 (2001). She could not stand without assistance on July 2001, and she became hypobulic. On admission to our hospital on November 2001,s he had dementia and revised Hasegawa dementia scale (HDS-R) was 8/30. She had mild limitation of the upward gaze, and rigidity in the neck, but not in the limbs. Postural tremor was seen. No muscle weakness was noted and tendon reflexes were normal. She was treated with levodopa/carvidopa, but she did not improve. She did not eat much. She was transferred to another hospital and she suddenly died on January 2002. The patient was discussed in a neurological CPC, and a chief discussant arrived at a conclusion that the patient had Parkinson disease with dementia. Some participants thought the diagnosis was progressive supranuclear palsy or diffuse Lewy body disease. The examination at autopsy revealed mild neuronal loss and Lewy bodies in the substantia nigra. Many Lewy bodies were observed in the cerebral cortex which corresponded to the neocortical type of DLB, and Lewy neurites were seen in the CA2 of the hippocampus by immunohistochemistry for α-synuclein. Spongy change was seen in the parahippocampus. Pathological diagnosis was diffuse Lewy body disease.

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