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症例 T.T.68歳男性。1930年(昭和5年)9月9日生まれ
家族歴 両親はともに富山県出身で遠縁にあたる。父は77歳で死亡。晩年痴呆があり。母は晩年経管栄養をうけていたが,介護や治療に非協力的であった。同胞5人の4番目。2番目(兄)に5〜6年続く難聴がある。
We report a 68-year-old man with progressive speech disturbance and dementia. He was well until 1995, when he noted an onset of difficulty in speech. He was able to name simple objects and understand language, however, he showed great difficulty in spon-taneous speech. In 1998, he visited our service. He was alert and oriented, but he showed moderate de-gree of dementia. He did not appear to have aphasia but he showed marked dysarthria and slurred speech. He showed limb-kinetic apraxia in his right hand. He showed moderate restriction in his vertical gaze, masked face, and dysphagia.

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