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要旨 症例は47歳男性。35歳時より両上肢の脱力と視力障害が反復して出現した。全身倦怠感に続いて両上肢の運動感覚障害と呼吸困難が出現し,入院した。神経学的には軽度の意識障害に加えて脳幹症状と両上肢の痙性を伴う運動感覚麻痺が認められた。頭部MRIで大脳深部白質と脳幹部に,頸部MRIでC1からC3まで連続する異常信号が認められたことから多発性硬化症の再発と診断し,補助換気を含む全身管理を開始した。血清Na濃度は117 mEq/lに著明に低下しており,血漿浸透圧の低下があったが,尿浸透圧および尿Na排泄量は高値を示した。血清抗利尿ホルモン(ADH)は26.1 pg/mlに上昇しており,血漿レニン活性は0.1 ng/ml/時未満に低下していた。多発性硬化症の再発に伴う抗利尿ホルモン不適合分泌症候群(SIADH)と診断し,methylprednisoloneによるパルス療法に加えてNa補充と水分制限を行い,SIADHは短期間で軽快治癒し,呼吸不全を含む他の神経症状も改善した。多発性硬化症の再発時に視床下部での脱髄に伴う病変が生じた場合にはSIADHを生じうる可能性を念頭におく必要がある。
We report a 47-year-old man with multiple sclerosis(MS) with previous history of recurrent sensorimotor disturbance and visual deficit. The patient developed bilateral motor weakness in the upper limbs, and systemic malaise. An administration of 20mg/day of prednisolone was ineffective for his symptoms and he complained dyspnea a week later. On admission, his clinical findings included brainstem dysfunction with optic nerve atrophy, motor disturbance in the bilateral upper limbs, hyperreflexia, and superficial sensory disturbance. Biochemical examination revealed marked reduction in serum Na (117 mEq/l) and Cl (85 mEq/l)with increased urinary Na excretion. Although his plasma osmotic pressure decreased to 233 mOsm/kg, urinary osmotic pressure increased to 409 mOsm/kg. Serum antidiuretic hormone (ADH) concentration was 26.1 pg/ml and plasma renin activity was 0.1 ng/ml/hour. Renal function and adrenal function were normal. Cerebrospinal fluid contained increased protein concentration, IgG, and myelin basic protein. Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone(SIADH)associated with MS was diagnosed. Intravenous Na infusion with restricted supplemental fluid and serial administration of methylprednisolone (1,000mg/day for three days) improved his neurological abnormalities and normalized his serum serum Na level and plasma osmotic pressure. This suggests that demyelinating lesions in the hypothalamus due to MS may cause the transient increased ADH secretion.
(Received : September 28, 2004)

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